We shall continue for those still playing their Epic Accounts! Winner will be crowned once someone has defeated ALL Gear Raid 1-3 Stage 21s! Or at the end of the year :D
Let's Keep Going!
Please continue your previous account (assuming it was not compromised or abandoned)
Scoring will be done like so: GR1 stage # + GR2 stage # + GR3 stage # + GR4 (GD1) # + GR5 (GD2) # -> i.e. GR1-10 + GR2-12 + GR3-13 + GR4-3 + GR5-5 = score of 33
Tiebreaker will be GB1 score (best single rune) + GB2 score (best single key). Higher GB level ALWAYS trumps lower level. i.e. NM3 5,000 > NM2 100,000