As with most Chaos units, Dassomi is non-conventional. If his target is above 50% health he will only dispel buffs; below 50%, he will actually heal. He does periodically shield low-health allies, and after six heals, begins to apply inspiration with each heal attempt. He also has an extended heal range, making him more versatile than some other healers. A less-risky Chaotic healer, he can even work well for Guild Boss, although rage regeneration with Dolores is hard to beat.
When Basic ATK grants Magic Incense, there is a(n) 50% chance to grant the target a shield equal to 10% of the target's Max HP, lasting 6 sec.
When Basic ATK grants Magic Incense, there is a(n) 50% chance to grant the target a shield equal to 15% of the target's Max HP, lasting 6 sec.