Almost full hands off GB2 - Apoc II - 120-300k "blood" team - Or simply the ULTIMATE GB2 guide (all heroes can be replaced)
This team can almost auto-fight the whole battle. You can easily achieve 120-300k+ "blood", with 70-90k done with auto-fight (GB2 can be a bit RNG with stuns, poison and Aegis removal so you might have to take over earlier as needed, or just do a couple AFK runs and take over when one of them gets to 70k+).
# PLEASE NOTE # - See full gearing and Artifacts after the description.
# AWARDS # This guide won the #1 prize in the official Watcher of Realms Guide Generator contest. However due to the limitations of the official tool, that version is very limited. This is the ULTIMATE edition of the guide.
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1 - Introduction
2 - Awakenings
3 - Hero placement
4 - Piloting the team in each phase
4.1 - Saw
4.2 - Shield
4.3 - Poison
5 - Hero explanation and replacements
6 - Maximizing the damage
7 - Gearing
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1) Introduction:
This team allows Sun Wukong to shine with 3 of his clones all hitting (and sometimes stunning) the Guild Boss. It has 3 sources of damage mitigation which allows you to be AFK most of the run taking over at the very end.
With this team, you can mostly relax and just enjoy the ride to 120-200k "blood". To hit higher scores (300k+), you can replace Aylin with Carnelian but it also adds more stress to you as you need to time Carnelian perfectly when needed (saw phase, poison phase).
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2) Awakenings:
# HIGHEST PRIORITY # Sun Wukong A3+ (he is worth your Unpolished Soulstones) - if you want to run without A3 Wukong you will probably only reach 120k "blood" or need to include another stunner. See "Hero explanation and replacements" for more details.
# OPTIMAL # - Alistair A1+ - if he is not A1, Init will most likely perform better - just replace Alistair with Init with no changes to the guide.
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3) Hero placement:
* Place your best DPS first (A5 Sun Wukong is CRAAAAAZY, but he is already super awesome at A3).
* Next place your support/healer wearing Wings of Grace or Invigoration set to give it 12%/10% ATK buff.
* Repeat the two steps above for all your heroes. Sun Wukong A3+ will almost guaranteed be your strongest, after that Twyla or Praetus depending on awakenings.
# INVIGORATION PRIO #1 # - Constance is probably the most important invig target, if she is not wearing an Invigoration set herself, make her the first one to receive it since she will spread the power gained to rest of your team.
# BEST RESULTS # - You want to have 4 "Invig" sets for your top 4 DPS, Wukong, Praetus, Twyla and Alistair or whoever is your #4 best DPS - as long as Constance is also covered.
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4) Piloting the team in each phase:
Once you set it up once, it's pretty much auto as long as your heroes use same gear and artifacts each week.
You do not even need to trigger any ultimates early stages, just watch it go enjoy some food or watch a Fastidious video. Depending on your hero awakenings and gear, eventually you will have to start using Ultimates during the phases to not run out of time (probably around 70-100k), but you can use your ultimates the whole battle if you like, it will shorten the fight.
To get high points easily, just save all ultimates until boss is defeated in each phase. At that point he gets a debuff that greatly boosts your damage (and is the only time you can earn extra "blood"). Trigger your ultimates at this point.
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4.1) Phase 1 - Saw:
* Depending on RNG, you might be able to just watch and enjoy (as long as 1 stun is landing every 1-2 seconds and you build 7+ stuns towards the end, early on, even 5-6 stuns should be fine). Please note that Sun Wukongs needs to be A3+ for the clones to stun. If your Wukong is not A3, you will for sure need to do some manual stunning with Ultimates/Praetus button.
* If you see you are not getting stuns for like 2 seconds in a row, or your stun count is low, trigger Sun Wukong.
* Once Wukong is done and your stun count is still low and the boss is almost ready to strike, trigger Praetus Button - please note that Praetus button needs to have at least 2 charges to stun.
* You want to charge up Praetus Button to 3 and save it for the in-between DPS phase if you can. Use it only if you are low on stuns and need it to survive.
# WARNING # - only one stun can land per second, so do not overlap Sun Wukong and Praetus Button for maximum stun count! You can expect 7-12 stuns each time, which is plenty to survive to 200k "blood".
# GOOD FOR AUTO # - trigger Wukong and Praetus button each saw phase to make sure your auto-runs go smoothly if RNG is not on your side. When you manual it, just go with the flow.
# BAD RNG TIP # - if for some reason you did not land 7+ stuns, or your gear is not good enough, you can trigger Ferssi each time the boss is about to hit with the saw, before the rocks land on your head. Ferssi needs a short time before triggering, so trigger right when the boss starts lowering his hand.
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4.2) Phase 2 - Shield:
* Just watch and have fun more or less.
* You can trigger Lyra when she has 2 rifts open to dispel the Aegis buff that boss has (she has a nice position so it's easy to see her rifts). I do it now and then when I feel like it, usually when he has 2+ stacks, but you can dispel as often as you like - the sooner you dispel it, the safer the run.
# PRO TIP # - You can trigger Ferssi right when boss touches the ground with his Shield to heal the damage before the rocks fall down on your team.
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4.3) Phase 3 - Poison:
* Do not dispel first poison (the one you get when the phase starts).
* When boss casts first poison, as soon as the casting bar is over, and the boss is pulling back his hand (like more or less instantly when bar is gone), trigger Elowyn. She has a casting time, so the poisons will vanish right when the boss places them (2nd stack).
* Next poison Elowyn will be on cooldown. Trigger Aylin to heal up the damage the poison ticks does like shortly after the boss is done casting it.
* To aid Aylin, trigger Ferssi when the boss casts his "Laser Beams". When the 2nd beam is done (out of 3), thats when you trigger Ferssi.
# HIGH "BLOOD" AND BAD GEAR # - When you are reaching 150-200k blood, you might need to aid with Elowyns healing Elf. Place it next to Torodor for extra healing.
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5) Hero explanation and replacements:
# WARNING # - Before replacing any units, make sure you are not blocking Sun Wukongs 3 clones and are covering all required roles.
# Praetus #
- can probably be replaced by Elysia, maybe even Laya
- His role is DPS and assist with Stuns, even if his stuns are not mandatory
# Alistair #
- can be replaced by Init. If Alistair is not A1, then Init will be better in his place
- can be replaced by A5 Volka with her exclusive artifact, this is suboptimal as this requires replacing a melee unit with a new platform unit (most likely swap Constance with Beelzebub)
- His role is permament -30% damage reduction on boss making the fight much easier. Secondary role is DPS
# Constance #
- can be replaced by Beelzebub - see Alistair for Volka swap above for more details
- Her role is to boost the damage with Inspiration. Secondary role is healing
# Elowyn #
- key unit, maybe could be replaced with Talula or Dassomi - but everyone got a free Elowyn back in December 2024, so it shouldn't be an issue (if you didn't pick her - I'm sorry about your life choices)
- Her role is cleansing during poison phase, secondary role is rage regen and healing
# Lyra #
- can be replaced by Lucius - Lucius is harder to use since you need to time his Ultimate right to dispell.
- can be replaced by Kigiri - at A3 Kigiri's damage is busted almost matching Wukong. Personally I hate his guts, he is the most stressfull hero to use in the game, and he can ruin your runs if he is poisoned while he is immune to Elowyns cleansing.
- Her role is dispelling Aegis buff. Her secondary role is boosting Praetus, Alistairs and her own damage with her permanent -30% Magic Resistance debuff and of course doing some damage too.
# Torodor #
- Can be replaced by Rygar who will also aid with stuns, making the run even easier and more auto - this will require making someone else a tank, see next paragraph.
- Can be replaced by another 2 reach melee unit, or another platform unit that will only be healed by Aylin and Elowyns ultimate (probably best DPS replacement candidates are Lust or Arrogance). If you replace him, you will need a tank, constance is able to tank too in the right gear. Or simply use a 2 reach tank or one that just stands there and looks cool, maybe Wrath in full tank gear to boost the damage of Wukong and Twyla.
- His primary role is to tank (needs highest HP on team), and to boost the damage of Sun Wukong and Twyla.
# NOTE # Sadly Torodor is bugged and he cannot stun from the 4th row, at least at A1. Not sure if he can stun from 4th row at A0. So he cannot aid in the saw phase, and putting him in front would fix the issue, but that blocks one of Sun Wukongs clones and that is sub-optimal.
# Twyla #
- can be replaced by Lust or Arrogance, whoever of them does more DMG for you. Remember that Lust will boost dmg of Sun Wukong and Torodor too when you evaluate whom to pick.
- Her primary role is to DPS. Secondary role is to keep Bleed up and boost physical damage by 10% for all your DPS heroes on the team.
# PRO TIP # - trigger her ultimate a lot early to build up her permament peneration. After 8 ultimates, she is maxed out and does her best possible damage.
# Sun Wukong #
- can be replaced by A3 Kigiri - but Kigiri is super annoying to use, and you will need another stunner (like place Torodor in front to allow him to stun (since you do not need room for Wukong clones) and maybe use Yuri or Helga. Praetus button, Torodor and Yuri combined should be enough stuns to handle 120k+, but probably way more RNG).
- can also be used at A0-A2 by facing right in addition to moving Torodor to front row next to Alistair. This will reduce his damage and ability to stun greatly and might require using Praetus button each time in addition to Torodor and Wukong ultimates and probably Ferssi to prevent dying. This should be enough to reach 120k, but will probably fail sometimes due to bad RNG.
- His primary role is to stun during Saw phase. His clones and auto attack will do 3-12 stuns each time, and his ultimate will do 3 more. He is also your primary DPS.
# Ferssi #
- can be replaced by Talula, Carnelian, Laya, or not needed at all if your gear is good enough and you are only aiming at 120k. You can slot in a DPS hero instead like Yuri or some other platformer.
- His primary role is to reduce AoE damage your team takes by 25%. Secondary role is healing.
# Aylin #
- see the notes for Ferssi - you will need Ferssi or Aylin to reach 120k+ but if you do not care reaching 200k+ you can probably replace one of them with a DPS for quicker runs.
- Her primary role is to reduce all damage taken by 15%. Secondary role is healing.
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6) Maximizing the damage
When the boss is defeated in any phase, he receives a lot of extra damage. Since "HP bars" are fixed during each phase, the boss always grants same amount of "blood" each phase. The only exception to this is when the boss is downed between the phases (at 0% HP). This is why you should unleash all your damage at this time to get high scores (or 120k earlier).
* Try to have all ultimates (except healers) ready when boss is about to hit 0% "HP" left.
* In any phase, when boss is about 1-5% "HP" left, trigger Constance first, then trigger all your DPS including Torodor in order. (I actually trigger Constance manually, then just toggle the Auto-Cast button "On" once boss hits 0% then "Off" again so all my DPS unleash without me clicking all of them - yeah I'm lazy).
# OPTIMAL # - Trigger Sun Wukong only after boss hits 0% since his Ultimate is so short and you get most "blood" that way.
# OPTIMAL # - Trigger Praetus button at 3 charges after boss hits 0% for same reason.
# OPTIMAL # - Trigger Lyra when she has 2 rifts up after boss hits 0% for "MAXIMUM DAMAGE".
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7) Gearing
* The most obtainable end-game gear is listed, if you got lots of T3 gear, you can upgrade some heroes for even better performance. If you lack gear, check each heroes page for gear recommendations and downgrade as suggested.
* Prioritize 1x HP%, HP, DEF% or DEF substat for survivability. You probably need at least 23k HP on all heroes to survive to 120k+, preferrably 25k or even 28k to be extra safe.
* Prioritize 3x optimal substats. For DPS try to get Crit Rate% to 100%, as much ATK%, Crit DMG% and Speed as possible.
* You need one tank (Torodor) so he is hit by the rock. This requires quite high HP (I think the hit is like 70k+ damage).
* Use as many Invigoration, or even better Wings of Grace if you are lucky to have full sets, to boost your Constance and DPS heroes ATK.
* Gear Elowyn with enough Speed and Rage Regen% so she can cleanse every 2nd poison (mine has +182 Speed and +68% Rage Regen, and +36 Speed and 40% Rage Regen from Pantheon).
* Put best DPS gear on your best DPS hero and so on (Sun Wukong A3, then Praetus...) - Make sure to match the gear set with heroes skills, check Fastidious gearing for each Hero to see their best set.
* Maximize ATK on Constance, I use Invigoration gear on her, but she should work in Glacier as well.