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Guild Boss 1

Created by: gerald | 2 months ago

Tilted Map Ultimate Range

51K nightmare + piercer autorun

Order for putting hero's is shown in the map. With that setup invigoration attack bonus (with auto-run) is applied to Twyla, Hex & Silas. Goal is to use ults for twyla, silas and hex as much as you can with each one of them reaching 110K at the end of the run.

Laurel cycle with (torodor & Aracha.. starting with torodor first for that extra nightmare bonus)

Hex A0 is on "his exclusive" artifact with (Warload + SB) gear set
Twyla A0 is on "Walling Skull" artifact with (Wicked Vengeance + IR) gear set
Silas A1 is on "Spirit Siphon" artifact with (Warload + IR ) gear set
Volka A4 is on "keys of forsaken" artifact with (Wicked Vengeance + The wisdom ) gear set
Torodor A0 is on "Astral Obeslik" artifact with (Annihilating Might set) + broken attack speed gear
Aracha A0 is on "Walling Skull" artifact with (Wicked Vengenace set + broken gear)
Lust A0 is on "her exclusive" artifact with (Warload + Ageless Wrath) gear set
Hollow (A5) + Dolores (A5) + Laurel (A2)  is on high attack two piece set (preferably calamity or warload) and Invigoration set. Artifacts for these three ladies are Golden Scarab (lvl25), Euphoric Orb (lvl25) and Tumultuous Horn (lvl 25) respectively

p.s: ults are automatic too :) 
Order for putting hero's is shown in the map. With that setup invigoration attack bonus (with auto-run) is applied to Twyla, Hex & Silas. Goal is to use ults for twyla, silas and hex as much as you can with each one of them reaching 110K at the end of the run.

Laurel cycle with (torodor & Aracha.. starting with torodor first for that extra nightmare bonus)

Hex A0 is on "his exclusive" artifact with (Warload + SB) gear set
Twyla A0 is on "Walling Skull" artifact with (Wicked Vengeance + IR) gear set
Silas A1 is on "Spirit Siphon" artifact with (Warload + IR ) gear set
Volka A4 is on "keys of forsaken" artifact with (Wicked Vengeance + The wisdom ) gear set
Torodor A0 is on "Astral Obeslik" artifact with (Annihilating Might set) + broken attack speed gear
Aracha A0 is on "Walling Skull" artifact with (Wicked Vengenace set + broken gear)
Lust A0 is on "her exclusive" artifact with (Warload + Ageless Wrath) gear set
Hollow (A5) + Dolores (A5) + Laurel (A2)  is on high attack two piece set (preferably calamity or warload) and Invigoration set. Artifacts for these three ladies are Golden Scarab (lvl25), Euphoric Orb (lvl25) and Tumultuous Horn (lvl 25) respectively

p.s: ults are automatic too :) 
